Gods Plan

In the storm's fierce grip, I once did stand,
Lost in the chaos, seeking solid land.
But in the tempest, I found my way,
Learning patience as I faced each day.

Through trials and tribulations, I trod,
Trusting in the path that led to God.
For in His plan, I found my peace,
Knowing hardships would one day cease.

Though clouds may gather, obscuring sight,
I hold onto faith, like stars in the night.
For every challenge, a lesson learned,
In every hardship, wisdom earned.

With steadfast hope, I faced the test,
Knowing in God's time, He'd give me rest.
For in the darkest hour, His light still shone,
Guiding me forward, never alone.

So I walk this journey, with patience as my guide,
Trusting in God's plan, where love abides.
For though the road may twist and bend,
In the end, His grace will mend.
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