Hello, Is Anyone There?

Shadows deep, where silence weaves,
A voice cries out, but none receives.
"Hello, is anyone there?" it pleads,
Echoes fade, like scattered seeds.

Alone, adrift in vast expanse,
A soul yearns for a fleeting chance.
Is anyone out there to share the weight,
Or does solitude seal its lonely fate?

The stars above, cold and distant lights,
Mocking the one who yearns for nights
Filled with warmth, with kinship near,
Yet only solitude echoes in the ear.

A heart's lament, a somber song,
In the emptiness, it longs to belong.
Through the vastness, a lone refrain,
A melody of sorrow, a plaintive strain.

The world spins on, indifferent and vast,
Leaving the solitary, an outcast.
In the echo of the plea, a hollow tone,
"I am alone, forever on my own."

No response from the void, no comforting voice,
Only solitude, the heart's bitter choice.
A solitary figure in a world so wide,
Lost in the silence, where shadows hide.

So, the plea lingers in the vacant air,
"Hello, is anyone there?"
But the echo fades, a haunting moan,
In the vastness, a soul stands alone.
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